Deadly, Healing Medicine: I had to ingest poison if I hoped to live
Note: Today I celebrate my "second birthday." Eight years ago, after injecting my body with a lethal dose of mustard gas-derived toxins, doctors injected my body with stem cells of my own blood, frozen from a few days before. The photo on my website above shows the frozen stem cells. For cancer patients, the day of the stem cell transplant is called a “second birthday” because if the procedure works, it gives us a second chance at life. Moreover, while my white blood cell counts would hit zero in the next week, over the course of the next few months, my body would start to make “refreshed” blood with white counts. In some ways, my blood “started over,” like that of a baby, after cleared out by the toxins. Indeed, I later had to receive my childhood immunizations again. Here is an article that I wrote about this amazing process,...