24 Jan Lent Resource: The End of the Christian Life
Even in a pandemic (perhaps especially in a pandemic) it is easy to live in denial. We can easily fool ourselves into thinking that we are masters of our destiny, designers of our story, a story without limits. Yet Genesis 3:19 gives the reminder, “you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
Lent is a season of living, in an embodied way, into the reality that we are pilgrims in this mortal life. We have not yet reached the promised land. God gives us nourishment, which can offer a foretaste of our final destination. But we’re not there yet.
Would you like to move deeper into this mortal yet deeply hopeful reality in Christ in this 2022 Lenten season? Whether taking the journey as an individual or with a small group, this FREE devotional guide for The End of the Christian Life could be a companion on the path.
You’ll find a reflection for each of the seven weeks of Lent, beginning with the half week that starts on Ash Wednesday. Each week’s entry draws on themes from the seven chapters of The End of the Christian Life and includes a psalm to orient our lives and our practices within the Word of God, a brief reflection, a prompt for prayer, and suggestions for daily and weekly practices.
As the introduction to The End of the Christian Life notes, the book itself is a journey, a Christ-shaped path of recognizing and repenting of the idols that bind us. It is a journey from darkness to light, culminating in the God of life revealed in the crucified and resurrected Christ. It brings readers on a pilgrimage to cultivate true Easter hope. As such, the book is an ideal companion in the season of Lent, though it was not written exclusively for that purpose. We invite you to use this guide in conjunction with your individual or group reading of The End of the Christian Life.
We are mortal. We are limited. We are dust. Yet, we are also beloved creatures, embraced by the Living God in Christ and given an astonishing hope and vocation on this earthly pilgrimage. Join us on this journey, as we deepen our hope in the cross and resurrection of Christ on this dusty path.
In Christ,
Todd Billings and Katlyn DeVries
Photo Credit: iweta0077